¿Cómo continuar?

A project by Violeta Janeiro and Mauricio Freyre, presented at Bisagra,
Enhorabuena plantas, Lima, 2020 


Faced with that sense of the end of the world and anger that accompanied our conversations, we began to write. We sent letters to colleagues and friends, most of them linked or sensitized with contexts of social mobilization in Latin America. We wrote without filter and automatically, almost compulsively, our own and others' concerns. Thus, letters came out shooting multiple lines of flight, all of them summarized in a question that we asked without exception: How to continue? From the camaraderie that accompanies an epistolary exchange, we strengthen ties with those who responded, to narrate, or rather translate from the territory of the intimate and personal, the policies that we suffer. This exchange in the form of a sequence that accompanied this epistolography gave us the time and perspective to weave stories that share a common: our fragility.